How to AI-pply for a job at Blueprint

At Blueprint one of our key values is being innovative, so we’re quick to welcome and trial new technologies. The rise of Chat GPT and generative AI, used in the right way is a huge time saver and can be a great extension to the speed and agility of teams and individuals - we’re all for it.

However, we’ve been on a big recruitment drive over the last six months, and especially at the junior level, we’ve noticed the use of generative AI has become prevalent in the cover letters we’re sent by applicants.

And, we can see the appeal. When all I need to do is enter a prompt saying “write me a cover letter, using my CV to apply for this role at Blueprint Partners” - boom, it’s done in seconds.

The catch is, it feels like the majority of applicants are all doing the same thing, so what we end up with is scores of cover letters which, while not identical, feel like they’ve been written by the same person. So while the pertinent details are specific to you, the formatting, grammar and the references  about us are all similar - to the point that it’s doing those applicants a disservice.

So rather than standing out as the person who most effectively mapped the requirements of the business, the job description and their CV correctly. What ends up happening is that everyone folds into one and becomes unremarkable. The people who stand out are the ones whose personality comes across, who has done something a bit different, whose cover letter is to the point and not overwritten.

So, how do you get the balance right?

The technology is here to help you and can make your life easier. You will definitely use generative AI as part of your role in a modern marketing agency, so it’s fine that you use it to apply for the job. But use it in the right way. Here are some pointers to help you get the balance right:


1. Generative AI is the starting point not the end

You’ve got the draft of your cover letter or application from ChatGPT or similar. Great. Now read it, Edit it. Check that it is an accurate reflection of yourself.

2. Length

In our experience Generative AI likes to demonstrate how great it is at its job. So it will always use ten words when one or two will do. So look at the duration. If you were writing a letter would you make it that length. Remember we get hundreds of applications for every role at Blueprint, so we appreciate it when you keep it brief and to the point.

3. Entertain us

A cover letter or any other communication with us is not just a fact sheet. We get that from your CV. And while comedy is subjective and potentially dangerous to include in a job application, we’re definitely going to remember the people who weren’t plain and boring, but the ones who’ll make us smile.

4. Make sure you really want the job

In the LinkedIn job hunting generation, it’s way too easy to apply for roles. Before you do, check that you really want the job. Make sure you’ve got a process in place to track which jobs you’ve applied for and will follow up on requests for interviews. Our other key frustration is when we finally see a great candidate and then they ghost us or never reply to our response. We’ve had one person apply for three different roles at Blueprint. In the first two instances they didn’t respond to an invite to a first round interview. The third time we didn’t bother responding back.

5. A/B test

Since you’re going to use technology to apply for different jobs, try it the same way as we would any digital communication. A/B test. So take a sample of jobs and send half a cover letter / CV with one approach, perhaps more formal. For the other half send a lighter / shorter version. Measure the responses and see if there’s clearly a difference in which drives more success.


Whatever your journey, if you are applying for a job with us, we thank you for your interest and we look forward to reading your applications!